The Secrets of Sadhana

Christian Piaget, éditeur & fabricant
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Author: Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

The word Sadhana means effort, accomplishment. It is making effort towards self-finding and towards the perfection of the human through union with the Divine. This book will be very useful to the aspirants of self-perfection.

This book on Yogic Sadhana is written in an easy-flowing style, and contains infinite riches in a little room. Every word of it, the author speaks from self-realization. Seekers of Reality, Peace and Bliss will find this practical treatise a real boon. Purity, Unity, Divinity and Equality of soulful life for all humanity is the unique principle of this inspired work.

More details here extracts The Secrets of Sadhana (pdf)

ISBN : 978-2-9700391-9-8, size 114 x 183 mm, 95 pages

Also as e-book, E-book The Secrets of Sadhana
