Land endowment revolution

Christian Piaget, Editeur & Fabricant
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Author: Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

This play is dedicated to our country India that flourishes under the tri-coloured flag. The voices of Nehru and Vinoba are being heard in our country today. Nehruji is giving emphasis to socialism. Socialism stands for equal justice; to till the land according to one’s needs and obtain food; to make work and livelihoods common property and enable everyone to lead a happy life.

The injustice of some people amassing wealth and prospering with the labour of many people is abolished − these are the salient points of equal justice. Vinobaji’s land endowment movement is a great pillar of support to achieve this end. Land endowment is the donation of land by landowners to the landless people. A bloodless revolution for equal justice takes place. I wrote this play ‘Land endowment revolution’ on the basis of this principle. I dedicate this play to the land endowment movement. 

More details here extracts Land endowment revolution (pdf)

ISBN : 978-2-88922-081-6, size 148 x 210 mm, 121 pages
